Thursday 10 September 2009

Global BIZNET, mission and vision

Our Mission

To promote wealth creation of the global community by providing the opportunity for entrepreneurs to network and develop entrepreneurial, ICT - Information & Communications Technology and leadership skills.

Our Vision

To contribute to development and poverty alleviation through networks, empowerment and ICT.

To ensure that poverty is alleviated through networks, ICT and empowerment..

Our Objectives

Encouraging national and international networking among entrepreneurs.
Developing entrepreneurial and leadership skills.
Empowering and building ICT capacity in entrepreneurs.
Generating and developing ICT capability in entrepreneurs.
Contributing to development and poverty alleviation through ICT.

BIZNET, Business Network inspires, empowers and equip entrepreneurs. We build a close community of business owners who encourages and supports each other to build successful and sustainable businesses We also provide a forum for mentoring entrepreneurs who are aspiring to go into businesses or those whose businesses are still up coming

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